2015年8月8日(土) 句動詞・基本動詞一気にマスターOne-day集中セミナー(13:10~17:00)

Let me remind you that knowledge of basic verbs and phrasal verbs isextremely important for you improve your listening and speaking abilities as well as your scores in phrasal verb and listening comprehension questions. I believe that this seminar that provides you with a wealth of valuable materials will greatly help you overcome you weaknesses in those areas of knowledge and make a difference in your scores into those categories.
You can’t miss it! Let’s enjoy the process! Ichay Ueda

2015年8月8日(土) 13:10~17:00
受講料 一般¥6,000(税別) 生徒・元生徒¥5,400(税別)
(要予約) ASC受付⇒ info@aquaries-school.com
会場:Aquaries School(アクエアリーズ・スクール 大阪心斎橋校)
〒542-0085 大阪市中央区心斎橋筋1 丁目2-25 上田ビル3F

カテゴリー: 未分類 パーマリンク